A New Kitty!
Most of us have brought a new pet home. There is so much to do to prepare for a new cat. Of course they need food and water, toys, a litter box, and many other things. It's important to have everything ready. It's easy to forget what is needed and what needs to be done when the time actually comes because maybe we are just too excited, or maybe we just aren't sure. This article is good to read if you are getting a new cat. It gives you helpful advice and it tells you what exactly you need.
Your New Kitty
Your New Kitty
I didn't know people gave cats baths. That just seems wrong, somehow.
By birdwoman, at 3/23/2005 5:20 PM
I've only given one of my cats a bath once and it was because he rolled around in some dirt and needed it really bad. I don't think it would have been good for him to lick it off. Giving them baths doesn't hurt them, but they really don't like it, so it's best not to do it so much, if you do do it, because they really can clean themselves.
By kittycat25, at 3/24/2005 11:03 AM
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