World of Cats

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Do cats have feelings?

I once had a guinea pig named Squeaky. One of my cats used to really enjoy sitting on top on the cage. He would even sleep up there. Eventually Squeaky died. My cat seemed really sad by it. I would see him walk into the room the guinea pig used to stay in and just look around. He would still sleep in the spot where the cage used to be. He did this for awhile after Squeaky died. I know that my cat missed him.

I have always wondered about animal feelings. I think that it is debatable to many people. But in my opinion, animals do have feelings. Like the story above, I have many others that would prove my reasonings.

Of course there are all sorts of websites out there. One could find some supporting the fact that animals do not have feelings, but there are also sites to support that animals do in fact have feelings. This is just one article I found: Do Cats Have Feelings?

What do you believe?


  • Yes! Cats have feelings! I can testify to that!

    I also believe that cats can sense how you feel too. There was once I was feeling sad and my cat came to me and sat next to me. Usually she only does that when she wants food.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2006 7:31 AM  

  • Cats certainly do have feelings, and are rarely shy about letting their feelings be known. You will always know when your cat is mad at you (like when you have to take him in to the kennel or vet) or when they're thrilled to be back home with you after.

    By Blogger Ken Goldstein, at 4/23/2006 10:01 AM  

  • I have had cats and dogs all my life, including now. Anyone who says they don't have feelings has simply never been around them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2006 11:14 AM  

  • Oh yes, I think they have feelings just like any other creature. Since they are so individual I also believe they have personality. Big time.

    When a cat is unhappy for any reason they usually turn aggressive, and without feelings they couldn't be agressive.

    By Blogger Christa, at 6/20/2006 5:14 AM  

  • You have to be kidding!!!! Look at my blog at
    and tell me my cats don't have feelings.

    By Blogger Ken Albin, at 6/23/2006 10:31 AM  

  • I also agree that both cats and dogs definitely do have feelings; and can also "sense" how we (as their owners) are feeling. I can't point to any specific web site or any book that supports that, but after having lived with my cat that I have now since he was only seven weeks old (he'll be two years this July). I know that isn't as long as a lot of others have had their animals, but he is my second cat that I've ever owned. I have been told that I have Bipolar Mood Disorder and when my moods swing way south, my cat is the first one to notice it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/27/2009 8:52 PM  

  • I have a half simese and half pursion cat male and 2 days ago a neighbor was walking her dogs and it was a nice day so my window was open and Landon (my cat) likes to sit in the windowsill and watch outside. The dogs started barking at him and he went nuts started hissing and he lunged at me scratching me up pretty bad and the next day he was acting withdrawn and he had what looked like tears in both eyes. I told my husband I thought he might have a eye problem and we should take him to the vet, but the next day both eyes were fine. Was he sad he attacked me? He seems fine now.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/07/2009 9:49 PM  

  • my bigger cat let my smaller cat eat first, even when he was very hungry, and when she was sick, she slept with her white chin on his black... all right, let's say 'rear end...'
    i've fed many feral cats, and saw the cats let a blind kitten eat and practically take the food from their mouths. one black cat even brought him food, and she wasn't his mother.

    By Anonymous vampires stories online, at 7/30/2011 7:18 AM  

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