World of Cats

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cat Myths

I have heard so many facts about cats that actually turned out to be not true at all. It's always easy to believe myths to be facts. But it's unfair to cats when you don't know the truth about them. Sometimes it can even be dangerous to their health.

So here's an article on some major cat myths out there: Cat Myths

Have you heard any other big cat myths that you just need people to know aren't true? Write about them in the comments!

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  • Hi, I just keep coming back, love the cats and your blog! Can you give me your URL (http://www.) or do I have to visit you only through BE? I want to put your site in my postings, if it's okay with you. I can't remember the details but I heard that cats really don't see any better at night than we do. I wish I could find that article. Keep up the entertaining site and thanks for the links. I tried to do that on my site but failed. Bless you and especially all of the poor homeless cats.

    By Blogger diet dilemma magmem style, at 6/17/2006 11:17 AM  

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