Entertainment Cats
First of all, if you are blog surfing, it either means you are just looking to get traffic to your site, or it means that you are bored. So, here's my deal offer. If you want traffic, just throw me a comment. I always view the blogs of those of you who take the time to let me know you stopped by.
But the real reason for this post is to entertain those of you who are bored. I'm not going to write about interesting cat facts or stories, although those can keep some of us very occupied! I actually want this post to be something different. So I went and found a few cat sites that can keep one entertained when there's nothing to do but surf blogs.
If you like cats and dogs, check out this site. I just came across it and thought I would share: The Cat & Dog News
So many of you who comment on my posts have said they love the pictures I use. So I decided to find sites with cat pictures. This first link is a really fun site. You are shown 2 cat pictures and you have to vote for the cuter one. Now if you love cats as much as I do, it will be hard to decide for most! Check it out.. you will see what I mean: Kitten War
Here's another site to see cute cat pictures! Now this will keep you entertained for hours: Cats in Sinks
Hopefully I did a good enough job at keeping you entertained! Know any other entertaining cat sites? Please do tell!
But the real reason for this post is to entertain those of you who are bored. I'm not going to write about interesting cat facts or stories, although those can keep some of us very occupied! I actually want this post to be something different. So I went and found a few cat sites that can keep one entertained when there's nothing to do but surf blogs.
If you like cats and dogs, check out this site. I just came across it and thought I would share: The Cat & Dog News
So many of you who comment on my posts have said they love the pictures I use. So I decided to find sites with cat pictures. This first link is a really fun site. You are shown 2 cat pictures and you have to vote for the cuter one. Now if you love cats as much as I do, it will be hard to decide for most! Check it out.. you will see what I mean: Kitten War
Here's another site to see cute cat pictures! Now this will keep you entertained for hours: Cats in Sinks
Hopefully I did a good enough job at keeping you entertained! Know any other entertaining cat sites? Please do tell!