World of Cats

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lost Pet

I have done a topic on this subject once before. But I really believe that losing a pet is one of the hardest things. I've had a couple cats run away before. I would like to think that they have found nice homes rather than anything else.

There are so many resources to help you when you have a run away pet. First of all, call your local vet and animal shelters. There's a chance somebody has called the local vets reporting that they have found a pet. Also, shelters may have picked up your pet off the street. Read this article for more advice on finding a lost pet:

How to Find a Lost Cat or Dog

Also, don't forget the internet! It's an excellent place to go to report your lost pet. There are also those cases where a lost pet finds you. So you also need to know how to go about finding this pet's owner. A good site to report your pet, or even see if anyone has reported a pet that you may have found is:

Pet Finder

Monday, February 13, 2006

Cats Do What??

What do you love about your cat? I love when my cats curl up next to me, purring, to take one of their naps. It's just comforting and I can't help but relax and forget about about all the negative things in life. My cats have taught me how to relax when things get tough.

I found this list and wanted to share. It's a list of things that cats do for us humans in life. It's actually really true. Click on the link to read the list:

What Cats Do For Us

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Ok, I realize I haven't updated in a few weeks. Well, you might not mind anymore, cause I found something to keep you all busy.

They are games! And not just games, but cat games. Also, there are projects you can do with a child. There are also games you can play with your kitty. It's kind of neat, check it out.


Funny Jokes Pictures of Cat Playing Solitaire on Computer